HorizonXI Wiki
The Celestial Nexus
Series Rise of the Zilart
Starting NPC None
Item Needed N/A
Title Burier of the Illusion
Repeatable No
Description The fate of Vana'diel awaits you in the Celestial Nexus!
Previous Mission Next Mission
The Sealed Shrine Awakening
Mog Wardrobe 2: 5 slots


  • The The Shrine of Ru'Avitau is full of magic aggro, so even mages should bring along Silent Oil and Prism Powder.
  • Anyone who can sub Ninja will have a far easier time of this BC. That includes mages, as most of the attacks in the fight are absorbed by Utsusemi.
  • You may need someone to operate the Yellow door. The closest Monolith to your location is around I/J-9/10.

  • Go to (I-6) in Ru'Aun Gardens and enter the Shrine. You'll be on Map 2. Sneak and head south. Go past (J-7) through the first yellow door. Go west from here, to the room with 2 Monoliths in (H-7). You'll need Invisible, then go south to a room with 2 Dark Elementals around (H-10).
  • Go north, down a flight of stairs to the Celestial Nexus at (H-9).
  • Gather together and get ready for the last BC of the expansion. You'll be fighting Eald'narche, who has two forms.
File:The Shrine of Ru'Avitau-map1.jpg


Boss Fight[]

  • Upon clearing the BC, you'll receive a final cutscene and be returned to the Hall of the Gods.
Area Boss Abilities Notes
Celestial Nexus Eald'narche - First Form
  • Exoplate:
    • Gaea Stream: Single target damage Verification Needed (~200). Absorbed by Utsusemi.
    • Uranos Cascade: AoE physical damage (~200-400). Absorbed by Utsusemi.
    • Cronos Sling: Cone attack physical damage (~300-600). Absorbed by Utsusemi.
    • Phase Shift: AoE (large area) physical damage (~600-1300), Additional effect of Stun and/or Bind. Absorbed by Utsusemi.
      • Used at around 66%, 33% and 1-2% HP. It gets progressively more powerful.
      • At 1% the Exoplates will not die until they Phase Shift. It is possible to go below 66 and 33% before Phase Shift
  • Eald'narche:
    • Eald'narche uses ancient magic and will cast Sleepga II. Low HP (~2,000) will end him fairly quickly, however.
  • There will be 2 Orbitals, which have very little HP. They will be resummoned if killed. They heavily resist Lullaby, but Sleep is reliable.
  • Exoplates surround Eald'narche and have about 10,000 HP. It does not melee.
  • Go all out, and defeat the Exoplates as quick as possible. You'll want to keep mages far out of range for Phase Shift. When it appears time for a Phase Shift, try to get everyone healed to full and get shadows back up. This will negate most, if not all, damage.
  • If you wipe, wait until you are ejected, as you'll aggro anywhere on the battlefield.
Celestial Nexus Eald'narche - Second Form
  • Vortex: Medium-range AoE, low damage (~100), with an additional effect of Terror and Bind. Absorbed by Utsusemi.
  • Stellar Burst: AoE, low damage (~100), with an additional effect of Silence. Absorbed by Utsusemi.
  • Omega Javelin: Single target damage (~150), with an additional effect of Petrification. Absorbed by Utsusemi.
  • The second form is against Eald'narche only. He will teleport around like Ark Angel TT and cast various Black Magic spells, including Bindga.
  • He still has relatively low HP (~2,500), but may or may not have a large defense and magic defense boost.
  • You have 1 minute before he aggro's, regardless of your range from him.
  • It has been observed that he may be heavily resistant to magic, however, a Tarutaru BLM/NIN was seen doing all of the damage to this form, ending the fight in 3 spells.
  • He has very fast melee speed, but not quite the speed of Hundred Fists.
  • Poison Potions and Stun can make the second form a lot easier.