HorizonXI Wiki
Windurst Woods

Table of Contents:
Connecting Areas | Quests/Missions | Fishing | NPCs

This expansive district is the heart of the Federation of Windurst and provides a large number of services to adventurers. The South Auction House can be found at the south-east edge of the district, next to the chocobo stables. To the south lies the Weavers' and Boneworkers' Guilds. The Manustery, which deals with the development of the Cardians, lies in the center of the district. And to the north is the Dhalmel Farm run by Illu Bohjaa, and Mithra Groves, home to Nanaa Mihgo.

Obtaining the Windurst Woods Map

Connecting Areas[]

Windurst Walls at (F - 5)
Port Windurst at (E - 11)
Windurst Waters via Pattsu-Yabittsu at (K - 12/13)
East Sarutabaruta at (K - 10)
Chocobo Circuit (Not Currently on Horizon)
Aht Urhgan Whitegate via Ibwam (Not currently on Horizon)


Quests Started Here[]

Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward Available?
Lure of the Wildcat (Windurst) Fast Travel Ibwam G-11 1 Green Invitation Card Eks
Creepy Crawlies General Illu Bohjaa I-6 1 600 gil CheckCheck
Paying Lip Service General Tapoh Lihzeh I-8 1 150-200 gil CheckCheck
The All-New C-2000 General Kopuro-Popuro H-10 1 200 gil CheckCheck
Chocobilious General Kuoh Rhel K-12 2 1500 gil CheckCheck
The Amazin' Scorpio General Soni-Muni H-10 2 1500 gil CheckCheck
Twinstone Bonding General Gioh Ajihri K-5 2 900 gil CheckCheck
A Greeting Cardian General Kororo H-9 3 Tourmaline Earring CheckCheck
In a Stew General Kuoh Rhel K-12 3 900 gil CheckCheck
Rock Racketeer General Nanaa Mihgo J-3 3 2100 gil CheckCheck
Legendary Plan B General Kopuro-Popuro H-10 4 Scentless Armlets CheckCheck
The All-New C-3000 General Kopuro-Popuro H-10 4 600 gil CheckCheck
Can Cardians Cry? General Apururu H-9 6 5000 gil CheckCheck
The Fanged One RNG Flag Perih Vashai K-7 --- Ranger unlocked CheckCheck
From Saplings Grow WS Perih Vashai K-7 --- Empyreal Arrow unlocked CheckCheck
The Tenshodo Showdown THF AF1 Nanaa Mihgo J-3 --- Marauder's Knife CheckCheck
As Thick as Thieves THF AF2 Nanaa Mihgo J-3 --- Rogue's Bonnet CheckCheck
Hitting the Marquisate THF AF3 Nanaa Mihgo J-3 --- Rogue's Poulaines CheckCheck
Sin Hunting RNG AF1 Perih Vashai K-7 --- Sniping Bow CheckCheck
Fire and Brimstone RNG AF2 Perih Vashai K-7 --- Hunter's Beret CheckCheck
Unbridled Passion RNG AF3 Perih Vashai K-7 --- Hunter's Socks CheckCheck
Mihgo's Amigo General Nanaa Mihgo J-3 --- 200 gil CheckCheck


Fish Cap Body of Water
7 Canals
Moat Carp
Gold Carp
Rusty Bucket
Rusty Leggings
Rusty Subligar
Copper Ring

NPCs Found Here[]

Name Location Type
  Abby Jalunshi F-8 Moghouse Renter
  Aja-Panja H-12 ---
  Amimi K-12 Chocobo Renter
  An Polaali I-12 ---
  An Shanaa I-12 ---
  Anillah G-12 Craftsman
  Apururu H-9 ---
  Baha Mannohl K-7 ---
  Bin Stejihna G-8 Regional Vend.
  Blank Card H-9 ---
  Blank Card H-10 ---
  Blank Card H-10 ---
  Boizo-Naizo H-10 ---
  Bopa Greso I-4 ---
  Bozack J-10 Event Replayer
  Catalia G-10 ---
  Cayu Pensharhumi I-10 ---
  Cha Lebagta I-4 ---
  Cheh Raihah H-10 Conquest Troupe
  Chihpi Kapirapehro H-13 ---
  Cocchi Ryojhbon H-13 ---
  Dahjal H-10 Conquest Troupe
  Dazi Nosuk G-8 ---
  Dhiz Tomehrih I-12 ---
  Edmondo H-8 ---
  Eight of Spades J-11 ---
  Erpolant G-10 ---
  Etsa Rhuyuli J-13 ---
  Etsatsa G-12 ---
  Femardaque J-10 ---
  Forine G-10 ---
  Four of Spades H-9 ---
  Gioh Ajihri K-5 ---
  Gottah Maporushanoh H-10 ---
  Hae Jakkya I-12 ---
  Hakaru-Marikaru G-10 ---
  Harara, W.W. K-10 Conquest Overseer
Windurst: National Guard
  Hauh Colphioh G-12 Guild. Union Rep
  Hayah Dahbalesahma G-13 ---
  Hlif K-12 ---
  Hohl Nhaesin J-6 ---
  Ibwam G-11 Warp NPC
  Illu Bohjaa I-6 ---
  Istvan K-11 ENM Quest Timer
  Iya Rihyo G-9 ---
  Jack of Spades F-8 Adv. Assistant
  Ju Kamja I-12 Item Deliverer
  Kapeh Myohrye K-7 ---
  Khomi Tibariah I-5 ---
  Ki Volep G-11 ---
  Kohpe Takhabio K-12 ---
  Kopua-Mobua A.M.A.N. G-11 Mentor Recruiter
  Kopuro-Popuro H-10 ---
  Kororo H-9 ---
  Kototo J-4 ---
  Kuoh Rhel K-12 ---
  Kuu Lohro G-13 ---
  Kuzah Hpirohpon F-12 Guild Vend.
  Kyaa Taali H-13 Craftsman
  Lih Pituu H-12 Head Craftsman
  Mahoh Mahborogho G-7 ---
  Manyny H-13 Standard Vend.
  Matata K-12 ---
  Meh Kotomaihro F-11 ---
  Meriri F-12 Guild Vend.
  Mheca Khetashipah J-4 ---
  Miiri-Wohri K-10 ---
Name Location Type
  Millerovieunet J-12 Regional Vend.
  Mocchi Katsartbih H-13 ---
  Mokop-Sankop H-10 Conquest Troupe
  Mono Nchaa H-13 Standard Vend.
  Mourices G-10 Consul. Rep.
  Muhk Johldy K-7 ---
  Mul Betreh H-9 ---
  Mushuhi-Metahi K-12 Weather Checker
  Nalta H-10 Conquest Troupe
  Nanaa Mihgo J-3 ---
  Nhobi Zalkia G-8 Regional Vend.
  Nikkoko G-12 Craftsman
  Nine of Spades K-10 ---
  Nokkhi Jinjahl H-10 Conquest Troupe
  Nya Labiccio H-11 Regional Vend.
  Ominous Cloud G-10 Conquest Troupe
  Orahi-Karapahi I-6 ---
  Orlaine K-12 Chocobo Renter
  Otte Burhiyu J-7 ---
  Palyalya J-12 Adv. Assistant
  Panoquieur, T.K. G-10 Conquest Overseer
San d'Oria: Foreign Guard
  Patsaa Maehoc H-8 ---
  Pattsu-Yabittsu K-12 ---
  Pehki Machumaht H-11 Map Vendor
  Perih Vashai K-7 ---
  Peshi Yohnts H-13 Guild Master
  Pew Sahbaraef J-12 Item Deliverer
  Phub Bayzarahn H-11 ---
  Phuz Mannohl K-6 ---
  Polo-Colo HorizonXI specific changes G-10 Warp NPC to Port Windurst
  Ponono G-12 Guild Master
  Pulonono K-12 VCS Chocobo Trainer
  Quesse K-12 Standard Vend.
  Rakoh Buuma K-10 ---
  Retto-Marutto H-12 Guild Vend.
  Roberta I-13 ---
  Ronana H-13 Craftsman
  Samigo-Pormigo H-12 Guild. Union Rep.
  Sariale K-12 Chocobo Renter
  Selele K-10 Tutorial NPC
  Seno Zarhin G-10 ---
  Seven of Spades F-8 ---
  Shih Tayuun H-12 Guild Vend.
  Six of Spades H-9 ---
  Sola Jaab K-10 ---
  Soni-Muni H-10 ---
  Sorutoto G-12 ---
  Spare Five H-9 ---
  Spare Four H-9 ---
  Spare One H-9 ---
  Spare Three H-9 ---
  Spare Two H-9 ---
  Spare Zero H-10 ---
  Sunakku-Matakku G-12 ---
  Sunana H-11 ---
  Tapoh Lihzeh I-8 ---
  Taraihi-Perunhi J-10 Regional Vend.
  Ten of Spades K-10 ---
  Terude-Harude G-12 Head Craftsman
  Tesch Garanjy H-11 Armor Storer
  Three of Spades H-9 ---
  Tico Karimakiba K-5 Adv. Assistant
  Tih Pikeh K-10 Mission Starter
  Tosh Hohnay H-11 ---
  Two of Spades H-9 ---
  Umumu I-6 ---
  Uuroro H-9 ---
  Valeriano H-10 Standard Vend.
Conquest Troupe
  Varun H-9 ---
  Wani Casdohry K-5 ---
  Wije Tiren I-8 Standard Vend.