Available after completing the quest I Can Hear a Rainbow, these heretic mages have unlocked the secrets of the forbidden magic of Vana'diel by creating a pact with the Avatar known as Carbuncle. Through his suggestion, these mages have the choice to delve further into the craft and create pacts with up to 12 more of the Avatars of Vana'diel after defeating them in battle to prove their worth. If accepted, Summoners are able to fight alongside them in order to bring peace to Vana'diel.
Avatars can be obtained through various quests, such as obtaining the appropriate elemental tuning forks for the corresponding element or by acquiring a special Key Item (Moon Bauble and Vial of Dream Incense). Elemental Spirits can be obtained either through merchants or by defeating certain monsters that drop the scrolls (which can also be bought or sold on the Auction House). An initial MP cost is required to summon each Avatar/Elemental Spirit into this plane of existence, as well as a perpetuation cost to sustain it. The base MP costs are based on the Summoner's level (See Avatar Perpetuation Cost for details).