- Reduces amount of TP gained by enemies when striking them.
- Job Traits are always active.
- Subtle Blow also reduces the TP given to enemies from damaging spells.
- The maximum amount of Subtle Blow that will be applied is 50%; any additional Subtle Blow added past this point will have no effect.
- See Tactical Points for details on how to calculate the effects of this trait.
Spells that Affects this Trait[]
White Mage Level 55: Auspice +10%
Corsair Level 31: Monk's Roll +4~50%
Subtle Blow I[]
Subtle Blow II[]Subtle Blow III[]Subtle Blow IV[]Subtle Blow V[]
Equipment that Affects this Trait[]
- Note: All characters have a base of 0 Subtle Blow. In general, the items listed below will grant the shown amount of Subtle Blow even if you do not possess the job trait in your ability list.