HorizonXI Wiki

South GustabergMap Acquisition

Table of Contents:

Connecting Areas | Quests/Missions | NPCs

Weather | Chocobo Digging | Fishing | NMs | Mobs

Spreading out to the south of Bastok is the rocky terrain of South Gustaberg. Plentiful with ore, hundreds of tunnels and mine shafts have been dug beneath the earth by Humes and Quadav alike. To the east, the Morhen Lighthouse can be found on the cliffs lining the Bastore Sea, its light guiding the way for the ferries and airships that traverse the area.

Connecting Areas[]

Bastok Markets: J-7
Bastok Mines: L-8
Dangruf Wadi: D-9
North Gustaberg: E-6 (to west side), H-5 (to east side)

Involved in Quests/Missions[]

Quest Type Starter Location
  A Foreman's Best Friend Map Gudav   Port Bastok H-5
  An Explorer's Footsteps Map Abelard   Selbina G-9
  Smoke on the Mountain General Hungry Wolf   Metalworks G-9
  The Bare Bones Map Degenhard   Bastok Markets I-10
  The Cold Light of Day General Malene   Bastok Markets I-5

NPCs Found Here[]

Name Location Type

Chocobo Digging[]

Item Abundance
Bone Chip

Little Worm


Bird Feather

Insect Wing

Lizard Molt

Rock Salt

Grain Seeds

Mythril Beastcoin

Mythril Ore

White Rock

Very Common

Very Common

Very Common







Very Rare

Very Rare


Weather Checkers Possible Weather Conditions
Svana - Bastok Markets (H-10)

Mariadok - Bastok Mines (I-9) Fo Mocorho - Bastok Port (J-11)

Wachiwi - Selbina (H-9)



Fish Cap Body of Water
Cobalt Jellyfish 10 All
Bastore Sardine 10
Quus 19
Ogre Eel 35
Gold Lobster 46
Zafmlug Bass 48
Bladefish 71
Bastore Bream 86
Rusty Subligar 0
Rusty Bucket 0

Notorious Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Bubbly Bernie NM
Spawned: Quest
  • Steam Clock
None Crab 1 H
Leaping Lizzy NM 10-11 None Lizard 1

Respawn: 60-90 min

L, H
A = Aggressive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;

HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; R = Detects Resting;

Sc = Follows by Scent; T = True-sight

Mobs Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Amber Quadav 3 - 8
  • Beastcoin
Quadav 13 A, L, H
Amethyst Quadav 3 - 8
  • Beastcoin
Quadav 11 A, L, H
Black Wolf
During 20:00 - 4:00
5 - 8 Hound 10 A, H, HP
Ding Bats
During 20:00 - 4:00
1 - 4 Bat Triplet 25 H
Enchanted Bones
During 20:00 - 4:00
4 - 8
  • Bone Chip
  • Bone Chip
8 A, H, HP
During 20:00 - 4:00
3 - 5 Giant Bat 12 L, H
Goblin Digger 5 - 8
  • Goblin Armor
  • Goblin Mask
  • Beastcoin
Goblin 1 A, L, S
Goblin Fisher 3 - 4
  • Clothespole
  • Fastwater Fishing Rod
  • Goblin Mask
  • Yew Fishing Rod
  • Willow Fishing Rod
  • Beastcoin
Goblin 4 A, L, S
Goblin Thug 3 - 8
  • Goblin Mail
  • Wild Onion
  • Beastcoin
Goblin 17 A, L, S
Goblin Weaver 3 - 8 Goblin 11 A, L, S
Huge Hornet 1 Bee 26 S, Sc
Land Crab 5 - 6 Crab 16 H
Maneating Hornet 2 - 6 Bee 30 S, Sc
Mole Crab
Fished up
5 - 6 Crab 1 A, H
Ornery Sheep 5 - 8
  • Giant Sheep Meat
  • Sheep Tooth
  • Sheepskin
Sheep 21 L, S
Passage Crab
Fished up
? Crab 1 A, H
Rock Lizard 3 - 8
  • Lizard Tail
Lizard 33 L, H
Sand Crab
Fished up
3 - 4 Crab 1 A, H
During foggy weather
8 - 10 Bomb 7 A, S, M
Stone Crab
Fished up
2 - 3 Crab 1 A, H
Stone Eater 2 - 5 Worm 68 H
Tunnel Worm 1 Worm 14 H
Vulture 2 - 6 Bird 42 L, H
Walking Sapling 2 - 6
  • Treant Bulb
  • Grain Seeds
  • Vegetable Seeds
  • Grain Seeds
Sapling 49 H
Young Quadav 3 - 8
  • Bronze Cap
  • Bronze Leggings
  • Bronze Mittens
  • Bronze Subligar
  • Cuffs
  • Quadav Helm
  • Scroll of Bind
  • Shell Shield
  • Beastcoin
Quadav 23 A, L, H
A = Aggressive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;

HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; R = Detects Resting;

Sc = Follows by Scent; T = True-sight
