HorizonXI Wiki
Start NPC Cid - Metalworks (H-8)
Requirements Marksmanship Skill 250+
Level 71+ Ranger
No other WSNM quest active
Items Needed Gun of Trials
Key ItemWeapon Training Guide
Key ItemMap to the Annals of Truth
Key ItemAnnals of Truth
Repeatable No
Reward Detonator Weapon Skill


File:Boyahda-tree 3 NM.png

Boyahda Tree

NOTE: You cannot begin this quest if you already have another quest involving the Key ItemWeapon Training Guide active.

  • Talk to Cid in Metalworks to receive the Gun of Trials and a Key ItemWeapon Training Guide.
  • Use the Gun of Trials until the latent effect disappears.
    • The Weapon Skills must be performed by this particular gun; using a melee Weapon Skill with this gun merely equipped does not count.
    • Weapon Skills performed while under Level Sync count.
    • You receive 1 point for opening/soloing a weapon skill, 2 points for closing a Lv.1 Skillchain, 3 points for closing a Lv.2 Skillchain and 5 points for closing a level 3 skillchain.
    • No message is given when the latent effect is lost. To check if the latent effect has disappeared, simply check if you have the bonus stats; if not, you are done. It is not necessary to unequip the gun for the latent effect to disappear; the stats disappear immediately upon acquiring the 300th WS point.
      • Note your Elemental Resistance bonuses from the weapon: they will be gone if the latent is broken.
  • Once you no longer receive the latent effect bonus, head back to Metalworks and trade the Gun of Trials to Cid, who takes the weapon from you and gives you a Key Item Map to the Annals of Truth and instructions to head to the Boyahda Tree.
  • Once in the Boyahda Tree, go to Map 3 (J-8) and click the ??? to spawn the NM named Beet Leafhopper.
  • Once the NM is dead, reexamine the ??? to obtain the Key ItemAnnals of Truth.
  • Return to Cid for your reward.

Game Description[]

Cid (Cid's Lab, Metalworks)
Cid would like you to assist him in testing a new firearm. Return to the lab when the weapon no longer functions properly.