I came from the Near East to peddle my wares. I heard that there are simply hordes of gullib--err, that is, I have heard of the great adventurers that roam this land, and wish to be of service to them. If you happen to know of any seasoned adventurers, I ask that you bring them to me. Be sure to tell them of my fabulous goods!
- This dialogue is received if you do not have access to Lumoria yet, and she will not interact with you further until you do.
This NPC manages player transactions related to various Chains of Promathia endgame activities:
- Sells
Cosmo-Cleanse for 30,000 gil.
- Upgrades your Artifact Armor to Artifact Armor +1.
- Upgrades your Relic Armor to Relic Armor +1.
- When upgrading armor, Sagheera will have the piece ready for pick-up after the next Vana'diel day.
- Sells various items and equipment in exchange for Ancient Beastcoins.
- Sagheera won't accept any Ancient Beastcoin trades from you before you have chosen the "Just wanted to chat" option.
- Items are available for exchange through the "Ask about ancient beastcoins" conversation dialog option.
- To exchange Ancient Beastcoins for the items listed below, you must trade Sagheera your Ancient Beastcoins first.
- Sagheera can store a maximum of 9,999 Ancient Beastcoins
. An attempt to trade any more will result in the message, "I apologize, but I cannot take any more Ancient Beastcoins from you."
- Sagheera will tell you how many Ancient Beastcoins of yours she has stored through the "Ask about ancient beastcoins" conversation dialog option.
- Sagheera can return the Ancient Beastcoins that you have stored.
Items available in exchange for Ancient Beastcoin s:
Boxer's Mantle - 75x
Brutal Earring - 75x
Gunner's Mantle - 75x
Loquacious Earring - 75x
Metal Chip - 75x
Musical Earring - 75x
- File:14815.png Stealth Earring
- 75x
Charger Mantle - 150x
Flawless Ribbon - 150x
Jaeger Mantle - 150x
See also:
- Relic Armor +1
- Ancient Beastcoin
- Limbus
- Dynamis