HorizonXI Wiki

Job Ability[]

  • Grants four utsusemi shadows and adds a damage multiplier to elemental ninjutsu spells.
  • Obtained: Ninja Level 1
  • Recast Time: 2:00:00
  • Duration: 30 seconds


Upon activation, the player will receive 4 Utsusemi Shadows. Additionally, the player will receive a buff that lasts 30 seconds and allows for the casting of multiple copies of the same elemental Ninjutsu spell at once. The number of copies cast is based on the number of Utsusemi shadows remaining plus an additional copy for the player.

  • Mikage is a Ninja's Two Hour Ability.
  • Is a HorizonXI custom ability, replacing Mijin Gakure. HorizonXI specific changes
  • Immediately grants the player 4 Utsusemi shadows.
  • Also grants a 30 second buff. While under the effect of this buff, all elemental damage based Ninjutsu spells receive a damage multiplier. This multiplier is based off the amount of shadows remaining.


Example A: If a player activates Mikage and casts Katon: Ni with 4 Utsusemi shadows remaining, Katon: Ni will be cast 5 times on the monster. This is one copy for the player and four copies for the remaining Utsusemi shadows.
 Example B: If a player activates Mikage and casts Katon: Ni with 2 Utsusemi shadows remaining, Katon: Ni will be cast 3 times on the monster. This is one copy for the player and two copies for the remaining Utsusemi shadows.

Macro Syntax[]

  • /ja "Mikage" <me>

Equipment that enhance this ability[]
