HorizonXI Wiki
Table of Contents
Zone Information
Area Name Ifrit's Cauldron
Type Dungeon
Map Acquisition Cauldron Coffer Key
Miscellaneous Able to use Tractor Able to call Adventuring Fellow Able to use Escape

Ffxi hby 09

Ffxi hby 02


Double Fire

Double Water

Region Elshimo Uplands
Expansion Rise of the Zilart
Requirements Airship pass for Kazham
Restrictions None
Background music
Notes None

The flaming maw of the active volcano known as Mount Yuhtunga. The Cauldron cannot be reached by climbing, but can be accessed through natural vents that have formed from escaping volcanic gases. However, long-term exposure to the volcanic gases that permeate these vents is extremely hazardous, and the area is known as a birthing ground for the gaseous life forms known as bombs. Long ago, people were sent here as sacrificial victims in an attempt to gain the favor of the bombs and prevent eruptions.


Cloister of Flames: G-5
Yhoator Jungle: K-9
Yuhtunga Jungle: C-7
Escapes to Yhoator Jungle at (I-6)

Involved in Quests/Missions[]

Quest Type Starter Location
Blood and Glory Weaponskill Shantotto    Windurst Walls K-7
Borghertz's Dragon Hands AF (DRG) Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Lurking Hands AF (NIN) Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Greetings to the Guardian General Hari Pakhroib    Kazham I-11
The Opo-opo and I General Lulupp    Kazham G-7
The Firebloom Tree General Soun Abralah    Kazham H-9
Mission Nation Starter Location
The Pirate's Cove Bastok Bastok Gate Guard Bastok
Headstone Pilgrimage Zilart --- ---

Other Information[]

Treasure Coffer
Item Abundance
Gil: 7,200 - 43,200 (??? Gil)More data needed
88.2%More data needed.(88.2%)
Drachen Mail 101%Received with quest active
Map of Ifrit's Cauldron 101%Received if not previously obtained
Old Gauntlets 101%Received with quest active
Moonstone 2.9%More data needed.(2.9%)
Painite 2.9%More data needed.(2.9%)
Sunstone 0%More data needed.(0%)
Chrysoberyl 0%More data needed.(0%)
Fluorite 2.9%More data needed.(2.9%)
Aquamarine 0%More data needed.(0%)

Cauldron Coffer Key

Treasure Maps
IfritsCauldronCoffers1 IfritsCauldronCoffers2 IfritsCauldronCoffers3 IfritsCauldronCoffers4

http://www.ffxi-atlas.com/maps/ifrits_cauldron/general/ (click on Display > Show Treasure)

Item Abundance
Flint Stone 27.1%Very Common(27.1%)
Iron Ore 14.4%Uncommon(14.4%)
Sulfur 5.1%Rare(5.1%)
Bomb Arm 11%Uncommon(11%)
Bomb Ash 6.8%Rare(6.8%)
Iron Sand 5.1%Rare(5.1%)
Adaman Ore 1.7%Very Rare(1.7%)
Darksteel Ore 2.5%Very Rare(2.5%)
Orpiment 16.1%Common(16.1%)
Orichalcum Ore 0%Extremely Rare(0%)
Colored Rocks 3.4%Very Rare(3.4%)
Sturdy metal strip 0%More data needed.(0%)

Mining Map
IfritsCauldronMining1 IfritsCauldronMining2 IfritsCauldronMining3 ICminingmaproutes

Notorious Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes

Ash Dragon
85 Dragon Blood
Dragon Heart
Dragon Scales
Dragon Talon
Dragons Ash Dragon Spawn Location

A, L, H, T(S)

Bomb Queen
Assisted by:
Bomb Bastard
Bomb Prince
Bomb Princess
80-81 Avengers
Bomb Arm
Bomb Ash
Bomb Queen Ring
Bombs Bomb Queen Spawn Location

A, L, S

Foreseer Oramix
71-72 Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Power Staff
Scroll of Cure V
Scroll of Regen III
Scroll of Shell IV
Scroll of Shellra IV
Goblins Foreseer Oramix Spawn Location

A, L, S

74-76 Lindwurm Skin
Valiant Knife
Raptors Lindwurm Spawn Location

A, S, Sc

72-74 Ascention
Tarasque Skin
Lizards Tarasque Spawn Location

A, L, H

Tyrannic Tunnok
73-76 Lohar
Scorpion Claw
Scorpion Shell
Venomous Claw
Scorpions Tyrannic Tunnok Spawn Location

A, H, Sc

80 Gae Bolg
Wyvern Scales
Wyvern Skin
Wyvern Wing
Wyverns Vouivre Spawn Location


A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Regular Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Ash Lizard
73-76 Lizard Egg
Lizard Skin
Lizard Tail
Rattling Egg
Lizards 15 L, H
Dire Bat
During 18:00-6:00
60-63 Bat Wing
Cauldron Coffer Key
Giant Bats 12 A, L, H
63-69 Cauldron Coffer Key
Damp Hakutaku Eye
Hecteyes Eye
Scroll of Fire III
Hecteyes 7 A, H
70-73 Raptor Skin Raptors 13 A, H, Sc
Goblin Alchemist
66-69 Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Scroll of Curaga IV
Scroll of Cure V
Scroll of Regen III
Scroll of Reraise III
Scroll of Sacrifice
Scroll of Shellra IV
White Mage's Testimony
Beastcoin Goblins 8
Respawn:16 minutes
A, L, S
Goblin Bandit
66-69 Goblin Helm
Goblin Mail
Gold Beastcoin
Thief's Testimony Goblins 7
Respawn:5 minutes
A, L, S
Goblin Mercenary
66-69 Goblin Helm
Goblin Mail
Gold Beastcoin
Warrior's Testimony
Beastcoin Goblins 7
Respawn:5 minutes
A, L, S
Goblin Shepherd
Assisted by Goblin's Bats (53-55)
66-69 Ash Staff
Beastmaster's Testimony
Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Ram Skin
Beastcoin Goblins 7
Respawn:16 minutes
A, L, S
Hurricane Wyvern
75-78 Wyvern Scales
Wyvern Skin
Wyvern Skull
Wyvern Wing
Wyverns 7 A, S
Nightmare Bats
69-72 Bat Fang
Bat Wing
Beastman Blood
Dragon Blood
Bat Trios 14 A, L, H
Old Opo-opo
61-65 Cauldron Coffer Key
Kazham Pineapple
Pamamas Opo-opo 26 L, S
Sulfur Scorpion
70-73 Scorpion Shell
Scorpion Claw
Scorpions 9 A, H, Sc
Volcanic Bomb
71-74 Bomb Arm
Bomb Ash
Bomb Queen Core
Bombs 44 A, S, M
Volcanic Gas
62-68 Bomb Arm
Bomb Ash
Bomb Queen Ash
Cauldron Coffer Key
Bombs 61 A, S, M
Volcano Wasp
61-64 Beehive Chip
Cauldron Coffer Key
Giant Stinger
Insect Wing
Honey Bees 10 L, S, Sc
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Event Monsters Found Here[]

Name Family Spawns Notes
Cailleach Bheur
Spawned Quest: Blood and Glory
Skeletons 1 A, H, HP
Spawned mission: The Pirate's Cove
Bombs 1 A, S, M
Failed coffer pick
Mimics 1 A, H, M
Spawned mission: The Pirate's Cove
Lizards 1 A, L, H

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants