Gilgamesh (Server) has an identical name. If an internal link incorrectly referred you to this page, please change the link to point directly to Gilgamesh (Server).
The master of the Norg pirates, and father of Lion.
Starts Missions
Starts Quests
- Yomi Okuri - SAM AF 2
Involved in Missions
- Bastok Mission 6-2: The Pirates' Cove
- Zilart Mission 9: Ro'Maeve
- Zilart Mission 11: The Hall of the Gods
- Zilart Mission 15: The Sealed Shrine
- Zilart Mission 17: Awakening
Involved in Quests
- A Thief in Norg!? - SAM AF 3
- Apocalypse Nigh
- Forge Your Destiny
- First Contact
- Tenuous Existence
- A Sea Dog's Summons
- Death and Rebirth