HorizonXI Wiki

Earth Crystal


Icon background
Earth crystal
A crystal infused with earth energy.
Stackable: 12


  • The high-quality, Exclusive version of this crystal is Terra Crystal.

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: ~13 - 15 gil
Synthesis: Uses the power of earth to bind materials together.

Conquest: Once you have obtained rank 2 in your home nation, you can trade crystals to obtain rank points. Once the rank bar is full, further points will be added to your Conquest Points.

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Crystals

Dropped By[]

  • All monsters that are Easy Prey or higher and marked as dropping an Earth Crystal. Must have Signet active in an applicable area.

Dropped by these families:


  • Earth Cluster - Using an earth cluster shatters it into 12 earth crystals.


Grain Seeds:
Flowerpot Crystal Yield
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 27
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 8-12
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 8-12
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 11-20
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 10-12
Herb Seeds:
Flowerpot Crystal Yield
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 17-20
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 16-20
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 24-28
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 17-28
Fruit Seeds:
Flowerpot Crystal 1 Crystal 2 Yield
00217 Brass Flowerpot None Earth Crystal 8-11
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04097 Ice Crystal 9-10
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot None Earth Crystal 12
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal None 9
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04102 Light Crystal 9
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04098 Wind Crystal 12
00218 Earthen Flowerpot None Earth Crystal 18-20
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal None 26
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04096 Fire Crystal 18
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04100 Lightning Crystal 16
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04101 Water Crystal 18
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot None Earth Crystal 8
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal None 8-12
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal Earth Crystal 8-12
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04100 Lightning Crystal 10
00220 Wooden Flowerpot None Earth Crystal 12
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04098 Wind Crystal 9
Cactus Stems:
Flowerpot Crystal 1 Crystal 2 Yield
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04098 Wind Crystal 43
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04097 Ice Crystal 28
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04098 Wind Crystal 36
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot None Earth Crystal 26
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04098 Wind Crystal 25-31
Tree Cuttings:
Flowerpot Crystal 1 Crystal 2 Yield
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04102 Light Crystal 32
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04098 Wind Crystal 35-36
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04103 Dark Crystal 20
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04101 Water Crystal 16-20
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04098 Wind Crystal 20-28
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04103 Dark Crystal 18-20
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04097 Ice Crystal 17
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04098 Wind Crystal 19-24
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04097 Ice Crystal 28
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04102 Light Crystal 25-28
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot None 04098 Wind Crystal 27
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 04102 Light Crystal 20

Chocobo Digging[]

Zone Abundance
Carpenters' Landing Common
Jugner Forest Common
Konschtat Highlands Common
North Gustaberg Uncommon
South Gustaberg Uncommon
Pashhow Marshlands Uncommon
East Ronfaure Uncommon
West Ronfaure Uncommon
East Sarutabaruta Uncommon