HorizonXI Wiki
The Final Image
Series Rise of the Zilart
Starting NPC Any Bastok Gate Guard
Item Needed N/A
Title None
Repeatable No
Description You are to investigate the Zilart ruins of Ro'Maeve. Chief Engineer Cid has more details.
Previous Mission Next Mission
The Pirate's Cove On My Way
Rank Points


  • Speak to a Gate Guard to accept the mission.
    • Trade 5 Crystals to a guard to unlock it
  • Speak to Cid for a cutscene.
    • You will be instructed to go to Ro'Maeve. Special caution is to be used in Ro'Maeve, as everything there will aggro magic. Most aggro sound, and there is some sight aggro as well.
  • You are looking for a ???, which can spawn in the following locations:
  • (D-10), (E-9), (E-10), (G-9), (I-8), (K-10), (K-11), (L-10) or (L-7).
  • The ??? will move approximately every 15 minutes, and can occur during the NM fight ahead.
  • Check the ??? to spawn two Golem NMs named Mokkurkalfi. Despite Golems being sight aggro, you CAN sneak pull these. However they are not overly difficult. The biggest concern is time, and you'll probably not have much time to clear the area before hand, as the ??? can move without realizing it.
    • The ??? may have moved during the fight, and if so, you'll have to look for it.
    • Should you die in the process, you WILL be required to fight the NMs again. Zoning has the same effect.
  • Check the ??? again to receive the Reinforced cermet
  • Return to Cid for another cutscene.