HorizonXI Wiki
Series None
Starting NPC Any Bastok Gate Guard
Item Needed N/A
Title None
Repeatable No
Description You are to be sent to work for the Embassy of Bastok in Jeuno. First obtain a letter of recommendation from the Presidential Aide, Sir Lucius.
Previous Mission Next Mission
To the Forsaken Mines Magicite
  • Rank 4
  • 5,000 gil


  • This Mission is Required.
  • You have to trade crystals or repeat earlier missions in order to receive this mission.
    • 4 Water Crystal is enough, If you did the previous mission, you only need to trade one Crystal.
  • Speak to Lucius, located at the Presidential Aide's Office (J-9)/(I-9) in the Metalworks until you receive Letter to the ambassador.
  • Head to the Bastokan Embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens and speak with Goggehn.
  • Head to Lower Delkfutt's Tower using the Survival Guide teleportation, Outpost warp, or Homepoint warp.
  • When inside if you possess the Delkfutt Key, head to (E-8) and continue down the stairs to enter the basement. Otherwise start the climb process detailed below.
  • You may also be Tractored through this basement door without the key.
  • If you decide to go this route, proceed to the "Obtaining Delkfutt Key Short Way" section. Otherwise, read the "Obtaining Delkfutt Key" section.
  • If you already have the Delkfutt key then click the door in Lower Delkfutt's Tower at (L-9) for a cutscene then click the "Door: Bastokan Emb." in Ru'Lude Gardens to complete the mission.
  • You will now likely need to climb to the 10th floor of Delkfutt's Tower in order to gain a Delkfutt Key in order to access the basement of the tower.

Obtaining Delkfutt Key Short Way[]

  • This is the shortest route. You may be Tractored through the door to the basement at E-8 without the key if a party member already has it. Next you can open the door at J-8.
  • Click it to travel to Upper Delkfutt's Tower. Walk forward then click the ??? at the bottom of the stairs to be teleported directly to:
  • Porphyrion, kill this NM then trade the Delkfutt Key it drops to the Elevator directly beside it.
  • After using the elevator, proceed down the spiral stair case for two zones, through the Cermet Door in Map #5 at I-9 Upper Delkfutt's Tower.
  • Skip to "Finishing the Mission" below.

Obtaining Delkfutt Key[]

  • This process involves a VERY long climb with lots of dangerous monsters. If you are below level 50, bring someone high level with you or a party of at least 6. Sneak/Invisible (Status) or Prism Powder/Silent Oil are also recommended. Some form of Reraise and Warp is also helpful.
    • Set your Home Point in Jeuno if you plan on warping out after the Mission.
    • A map of Qufim Island and a Map of Delkfutt's Tower may be purchased from Promurouve at H-7 in Lower Jeuno (inside the building) or Rusese at H-6 in Upper Jeuno for 3,000 Gil each.
  • Make your way to Port Jeuno and zone into Qufim Island.
  • Once inside prepare for a long walk. Bats and Dancing Weapons will aggro to Sound and Goblins and Giants will aggro to Sight. Pots and Dolls are Aggressive to Magic.
  • Floor 1
    • Enter and follow the right wall until you reach the stairs at E/F-6.
  • Floor 2
    • Follow the left wall until you reach the stairs at I-9.
  • Floor 3
    • Follow the right wall until you reach the teleporter at G-6.
  • Middle Delkfutt's Tower
  • Floor 4
    • Follow the right wall past 2 teleporters and go up the stairs at J-6.
  • Floor 5 half way there.
    • Enter the door into a hallway on your right at I-7 then follow the left wall until you see a stairway leading north at H-10.
  • Floor 6
    • At the top of the stairs follow the right wall to a teleporter at J-10.
  • Floor 7
    • In this big room head northwest to a stairway at G-7.
  • Floor 8
    • Follow the left wall to another stairway at J-7.
  • Floor 9
    • Head south to a stairway that leads back down at J-10.
  • Floor 8 again
    • Head west to a stairway leading back up at G-10. Do *not* fall down the hole in the floor!
  • Floor 9 again
    • Follow the left wall until you reach a teleporter at F-6.
  • Upper Delkfutt's Tower
  • Floor 10
    • When you zone in head through the door to the southeast and down a hallway. You will find a door on your right at H-7. This door is guarded by Mimas a Gigas NM that uses Hundred Fists. After killing Mimas and clearing the hallway enter the door at H-7 into a large room. This room will be filled with Gigas and a NM named Porphyrion.
      • Try to pull Porphyrion out into the hallway without linking any of the other Gigas. Summoner or a high level helper is useful for this.
  • Kill Porphyrion and any aggro you may have. Porphyrion will drop 6 Delkfutt Keys. If you need more then 6 you will have to wait 10 minutes for him to repop.
  • Once you have your key trade it to the elevator on the floor at H-8 inside Porphyrions room.
  • Walk down the LONG staircase after using the elevator to get to the basement.

Finishing the Mission[]

  • Once you reach the basement head east into a large room and trade your Delkfutt Key (or interact if you have the Delkfutt key) on the door at (L-9) for a cutscene. If you do not get the cutscene you are probably at the wrong door.
  • After the cutscene warp out or head South West and down a long hallway, this will take you back to the first floor of the tower. Follow the right wall until you zone back into Qufim Island.
  • Return to the embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens and click the door in the back room to complete the mission.


  • You do not have to be on this mission to receive a Delkfutt Key from Porphyrion.
  • If you already possess a key from defeating Porphyrion before you activated the mission, from completing the mission for another nation, or from having the Delkfutt key, you can access the basement without traversing to the top of the tower.
    • On the first floor, trade your Delkfutt Key to the door at (E-8). If you possess the Key Item variant, simply examine the door. This will give you access to the basement where the ambassador is being held.