HorizonXI Wiki
The Crystal Line
Series None
Starting NPC Any Bastok Gate Guard
Item Needed N/A
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Find a section of the strange structure on the Konschtat Highlands that drains the energy from crystals. Bring a faded crystal back to Chief Engineer Cid for analysis.
Previous Mission Next Mission
Fetichism Wading Beasts
Rank Points


  • Trade Crystals to a gate guard until your Rank Points are full to unlock this mission.
  • Select the mission from one of the Bastok Gate Guards
  • (Optional) Talk to Cid in Bastok Metalworks for more information.
    • Cid will give you a free Ice Crystal.
  • Trade Cid a Faded Crystal to Cid to receive the C. L. report.
    • This can be obtained by trading a synthesis crystal to any crag's Telepoint, such as the Crag of Dem at (I-6) in Konschtat Highlands.
  • (Optional) Talk to Naji
    • Naji guards the President's Office (J-8).
  • Speak to Ayame in the Cannonry at (K-7) in the Metalworks to finish the mission.
    • You may have to speak to her several times to receive the correct dialogue.


  • This mission is an excellent opportunity for first-time players to obtain a Dem gate crystal.
  • Since the implementation of the Chains of Promathia expansion, the north platform of the Crag of Dem is the only remaining Telepoint in Konschtat Highlands that can be used to obtain a Faded Crystal.