HorizonXI Wiki
The Zeruhn Report
Series None
Starting NPC Any Bastok Gate Guard
Item Needed N/A
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Collect Overseer Makarim's report from the Zeruhn Mines, in the western section of the Bastok Mines District. Deliver said report to Sir Naji, a Musketeer stationed near the President's Office.
Previous Mission Next Mission
None A Geological Survey
Rank Points


  • Select the mission from one of the Bastok Gate Guards.
  • Head to the Zeruhn Mines.
  • Speak to Makarim in Zeruhn Mines (H-11) for the Zeruhn report.
  • Speak to Naji in the Metalworks (J-8) for a cutscene and to complete the mission.
    • Should you examine the Zeruhn report key item, Naji will chastise you. It does not seem to affect the mission though.